Tuesday, 30 April 2019


        The above statement is an affirmation of the ultimate, definite and explicit reality of life.. sometimes its harsh, when it is untimely. But sooner or later, we all have to face that.. Are we aware..
       In mahabharat, yakhya, the heavenly personality asked yudhisthir maharaj, what is the most astonishing fact in this earth, and he replied, everyday people see others dying, timely or untimely,and eventually it can happen to anyone including himself ,but they think, for me may be the plan will be different, may be I will survive,..
         It may seem very fascinating in the first place, but it is the condition of most of us. Day after day we keep on making plans as if we are going to make it for eternity. But we are never cognizant of the inevitable, rather we are ignorant of the infalliable. And this has a grave consequence to follow.

         Because we are not aware of the uncertainty of our existence, we tend to develope an enjoying mentality, which is detrimental to our progress both materially and spiritually. We develop a hedonistic way of living life. We tend to think, there is no life after death, everything ends with this life. So lets enjoy, have fun and make merry. And under cover of this idea, we commit so many sinful act, our future become doomed to a dead end.

          But bhagavad gita, strongly condemns this kind of self destructive ideas.. krsna establishes firmly in the second chapter, the existence of soul, and its eternity, and how life don’t end with death, and conversely death is not the end of life as well. So, knowing the reality per se, we must disengage ourself from actions that drag us down to immoral and unethical practices, at once.

          Krsnas statement to arjuna In bhagavad gita 2.27, is an warning for all of us, which goes like this” One who has taken his birth is sure to die, and after death one is sure to take birth again. Therefore, in the unavoidable discharge of your duty, you shouldn’t lament. 

          So, it is sure that our before death actions, will determine our after death destination, as confirmed by krsna himself. So, why not make a serious attempt to make this life a life of contemplation and self realisation. Lets seriously study the scriptures, apply them in our lives. Rather then just hopelessly and helplessly, being driven by senses, lets use our intelligence, to learn and go beyond senses into realisation of the self. In other words lets take the study of bhagavad gita seriously.. thank you…


  1. Wonderful insight and thought provoking article. Please keep enlightening us more with your articles.

    1. thank you prabhujee... i will try to follow your advice...



One who can control his senses by practicing the regulated principles of freedom can obtain the complete mercy of the Lord and thus becom...