Saturday, 3 August 2019


One who can control his senses by practicing the regulated principles of freedom can obtain the complete mercy of the Lord and thus become free from all attachment and aversion...

         An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two apparently contradictory terms appear together, like in this purport. Regulation and freedom are two opposite term. When there is freedom, there should be no regulation. And with regulation, how can freedom be possible…

How to solve this apparent conflict???

        Although regulation feels like restriction of independence in present tense...
and it may Lead to freedom, and likely so, when we considered the future tense.. 
however, regulation lead to freedom in both present and future..

Let’s take an example...

        The traffic system .. although it restricts our movement when we don’t want, but by following so, our movement becomes smoother, otherwise , if there is no regulation by the traffic, then there will be jam and chaos, and ultimately our movement will be restricted.. so, it feels, that via regulation by traffic , our freedom is lost, but in reality our freedom is facilitated...

        In the same way, the regulation that we follow may feel like imposition on us, but by following them, we can ultimately get freedom both in present and future.. the regulations makes us peaceful, non anxious, healthy in short term, and in long term it prevents us from degrading into lower form of life.
       Although while following the regulation, it may feel like suffering, like getting irritated waiting for the traffic signal to come your way, but few moment later you can smoothly go away, same way just endure for few moments of apparent suffering while following regulations to have a smoother present n future... 

This is regulative principle of freedom..
All glories to SrilaPrabhupada
Thank you..

Sunday, 5 May 2019


                It was way back in 2008, the DYS classes had just started recently.. And it was the rath yatra time.. So, myself and Deepak prabhu , we decided , we shall go to rathyatra pandal, n visit there.. We were more curious then enthusiastic..
                Later, I show something , that has changed the whole perception about life and happiness. That day ISKCON youth forum organized some drama, and then lecture or katha, by two prominent ISKCON leaders H H JAY PATAKA SWAMI MAHARAJ (H H JPSM)AND H H BHAKTI CHARU SWAMI MAHARAJ.. at that time, I had absolutely no idea, about them..
                Then, as an observer, something struck me..I came to know from devotees, present there , that H H JPSM just had an stroke, may be 6-7 month back.. And then he started his katha, I will try to explain his condition as a materialstic observer, he was really in a diseased condition then.. One side of his face was drooping down pulling the other side, saliva was pouring out of the corner of the mouth, he cant even finish a line completely, he has to take frequent ship of water to do that, his general condition was not so good..
                But, then he started speaking, that too with full enthusiasm, and energy..and he was very humorous also, because he has to deal with the youth…i was wondering , what is this and how is this possible, as a medical student, i see people with stroke, and how miserable they are, forget about travelling and speaking, they are completely bed ridden, and helpless… He spoke for 30 minutes,..
                That day, I couldn’t understand anything, what he said.. But, I understood something , that I will never forget in my life .. THAT HAPPINESS, IS A STATE OF UNINHIBITED CONDITION, WHICH IS ONLY POSSIBLE IN OUR CONNECTION WITH THE DIVINE, AND IT IS UNINHIBITED, BECAUSE NOTHING CAN STOP IT, NOTHING ,EVEN DEATH HIMSELF.. it just springs out spontaneously, from the heart, no matter whatever is the external condition.. Prabhupada would say chant and be happy, and that day I show n realize, what prabhupada meant when he says that..
               After that, we took Prasad and came back, but that vision is still imprinted in my mind, as if it was yesterday.. Although it is offensive to see a pure devotee externally, the way I had seen him.. but I am a fallen materialstic observer.. And may his causeless mercy be upon all of us, in our journry, in krsna consciousness..


Tuesday, 30 April 2019


        The above statement is an affirmation of the ultimate, definite and explicit reality of life.. sometimes its harsh, when it is untimely. But sooner or later, we all have to face that.. Are we aware..
       In mahabharat, yakhya, the heavenly personality asked yudhisthir maharaj, what is the most astonishing fact in this earth, and he replied, everyday people see others dying, timely or untimely,and eventually it can happen to anyone including himself ,but they think, for me may be the plan will be different, may be I will survive,..
         It may seem very fascinating in the first place, but it is the condition of most of us. Day after day we keep on making plans as if we are going to make it for eternity. But we are never cognizant of the inevitable, rather we are ignorant of the infalliable. And this has a grave consequence to follow.

         Because we are not aware of the uncertainty of our existence, we tend to develope an enjoying mentality, which is detrimental to our progress both materially and spiritually. We develop a hedonistic way of living life. We tend to think, there is no life after death, everything ends with this life. So lets enjoy, have fun and make merry. And under cover of this idea, we commit so many sinful act, our future become doomed to a dead end.

          But bhagavad gita, strongly condemns this kind of self destructive ideas.. krsna establishes firmly in the second chapter, the existence of soul, and its eternity, and how life don’t end with death, and conversely death is not the end of life as well. So, knowing the reality per se, we must disengage ourself from actions that drag us down to immoral and unethical practices, at once.

          Krsnas statement to arjuna In bhagavad gita 2.27, is an warning for all of us, which goes like this” One who has taken his birth is sure to die, and after death one is sure to take birth again. Therefore, in the unavoidable discharge of your duty, you shouldn’t lament. 

          So, it is sure that our before death actions, will determine our after death destination, as confirmed by krsna himself. So, why not make a serious attempt to make this life a life of contemplation and self realisation. Lets seriously study the scriptures, apply them in our lives. Rather then just hopelessly and helplessly, being driven by senses, lets use our intelligence, to learn and go beyond senses into realisation of the self. In other words lets take the study of bhagavad gita seriously.. thank you…

Saturday, 20 April 2019


When life haunts us, disappointment stares at us, agony winks at us.. we are in a very very difficult situation. It seems like , time has stood still. We are trapped in the vicious cycle of suffering. We feel like there is no way out of it. It seems like, it will be never ending, and i have to suffer relentlessly and forever.   However this is a misconception that the mind is forced to feel and make us miserable, because of lack of knowledge. The worst we can do is to become completely attached to the problem, and in term, effect, our mind, body, personal dealings and family, workplace environment. One must understand that whatever big, cruel or gruesome , the problem or situation it may seem, it is gonna end. Like everything else it has a life span, it has an expiry date.. whether mind believes it or not, it will go, it has to go.. the best thing at that situation is to forbear, take whatever corrective action we can take , and let time go by.. certainly it will go, and there is absolutely not even 1%  doubt about it..
This is because Krishna is speaking to arjuna in bhagavad Gita,”2.14
O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.
Remember, You cannot stay in summer or winter forever. And the popular saying time heals everything. When krsna affirms something, we must have implicit faith in it. Not let our mind get fixed and attached to the problem, and loose the sanity and sanctity of our mind and environment.


One who can control his senses by practicing the regulated principles of freedom can obtain the complete mercy of the Lord and thus becom...