The inherent nature of a chain reaction, is one product leads to the formation of another product. This principle is being applied in industries for mass production.. What
if, the product is a poison, then the whole propaganda becomes a liability..
Interestingly, such a system of chain reaction is working, inside our body and mind..
Krsna tells in 2nd chapter of bhagavad gita, how a living entity fall helplessly to the whirlpool of material existence.
It starts with innocent contemplation of sense object, which eventually leads to attachment for the object, from attachment , lust arises, and the lust either remain unfulfilled or even fulfilled up to certain extent, its never satiating, so it causes wrath or anger, which leads the living entity to a state of illusion, memory is bewildered, and subsequently intelligence is lost, and finally the conditioned soul succumb to sinful act and fall down in the graveyard of material existence..
So, we see this is a self defeating and destructive chain reaction, which needed to be stopped, at the earliest possible step. As steps goes forward, it becomes increasingly difficult to control the outcome.
And the inciting factor is contemplation of sense object, and we have to stop that, or at least try to avoid that. Our surrounding atmosphere is so much surcharged with lust, as u walk outside, starting from bill boards, advertisement, movies, TV,songs , and even general public behavior, one automatically start contemplating, on sense object..
And as a practicing spiritualist, we have to be very careful, because, this is where the chain reaction starts. It is the nature of mind to hover over sense object, and at least mentally try to derive some pleasure, but by constant practice , we can train our mind, to be on track , as it diverts away.
Certainly the paradoxical and apparent pleasure of material sense gratification, will lead to inevitable downfall, of the living entity, but there are ways to prevent them. By cultivating the principles of krsna consciousness, when we relish the higher taste of krsnas sweet love, then gradually we develope a distaste for material sense enjoyment.
hare krishna... thank you..
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