Friday, 19 October 2018


Wishing everyone, Happy Dussera,..
Demon Ravana being completely overpowered, vanquished, shadowed and killed by Lord Ramachandra. A large effigy of Ravana is ceremoniously burned with huge pump and ceremony all over India, celebrating the victory of goodness over evil, love over lust.
Padmanabha (Asvina) month, 10th day of waxing moon, Vijayotsava.
In the pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu he absorbed Himself in the transcendental lila of Lord Ramacandra in the following manner as recorded by Srila Krishna dasa Kaviraj Goswami.
Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita Madhya-lila Chapter 15 Texts 32-35.
Madhya 15.32
vijaya-dasami——lanka-vijayera dine
vanara-sainya kaila prabhu lana bhakta-gane
On the victory day celebrating the conquest of Lanka–a day known as Vijaya-dasami–Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu dressed up all His devotees like monkey soldiers.
Madhya 15.33
hanuman-avese prabhu vriksha-sakha lana
lanka-gade cadi’ phele gada bhangiya
Displaying the emotions of Hanuman, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took up a large tree branch, and, mounting the walls of the Lanka fort, began to dismantle it.
Madhya 15.34
‘kahanre ravna’ prabhu kahe krodhavese
jagan-mata hare papi, marimu savamse’
In the ecstasy of Hanuman, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu angrily said, “Where is the rascal Ravana? He has kidnapped the universal mother, Sita. Now I shall kill him and all his family.”
Madhya 15.35
gosanira avesa dekhi’ loke camatkara
sarva-loka jaya’ jaya’ bale bara bara
Everyone became very astonished to see the emotional ecstasy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and everyone began to chant, “All glories! All glories!” again and again.
What Lord Ram, did in tretaya yuga, Lord Chaitanya who is Krishna himself, is doing the same thing in kaliyuga. He is killing the Ravana within everyone of us, by giving us a simple process of chanting the holy name.
Sri Rama Chandra Bhagavan ki Jaya, Sri Rama Vijayotsav ki Jaya, Sri Vijaya Dasami Mahotsav ki Jaya.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018


A resplendent Tuesday evening. There is mysteriousness in the ambience at dusk which feels unequalled at no other time of the day. The countless star and silvery moon making there way with the disappearance of lazy evening sun which offers a glamorous golden sight in the western horizon. Holy mantras reverberating along with drums and cymbals, Yes, the time has come. Full of festivities, colours, joy, amusement. Pandals  decorated with lights n flowers.  Lively deities of Maa Durga everywhere.
       Especially when you are in Kolkata , you gotta feel the vibes.
         However lets understand who Durga is.. Maaa Durga is the symbol or epitome of “Shakti” or energy. Energy becomes evident when it is with its source. Energy gets its significance when its associated with the enrgetics. Lets consider fire, because fire is there, there are heat and light. Heat and light will not separate existence without fire..The scripture says,
                           ishvarah paramah krishnah
                              anadir adir govindaha
Krsna who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes.

         Similarly, whatever we see within this universe, within material world and spiritual world, the spiritual world is expansion of Kṛṣṇa's internal energy, and this material world is Kṛṣṇa's expansion of external energy, and we living entities, we are expansion of marginal energy. So three energies. He has got multi-energies. All the multi-energies grouped in three headings: antaraṅga-śakti, bahiraṅga-śakti, taṭastha-śakti. Antaraṅga-śakti means internal energy, bahiraṅga śakti means external energy, and taṭastha-śakti means these living entities. We are śakti; we are energy. We are not the energetic. 

       Durga or Parvati, is the presiding deity of the bahiranga sakti or the external energy, whose manifestation is this material world. This material world is also called “Durg” or a jail, or elsewhere its called “maithunagara”, A jail where the shakles are sex life. And Durga is the controller of this durg, or jailor of the jail.. And her work is to reform us through punishment. The three sharp pointed end of the trident that she is holding, signifies the three kind of suffering, that she put on us, namely adidaivika klesa(miseries due to natural calamities)  adibhautika klesa(miseries due to other living entities) and adiatmika klesa(miseries due to our own body and mind). By giving these kind of sufferings, her service make the unfortunate living entity remember that, this is not the place, there is no happiness, one has to turn to her master, Lord Shree Krishna,.for real happiness..
       Maa Durga serving Krishna by taking care of this material world, she is a great devotee.. Maa Durga, becomes the happiest , when we worship her in this mood. We pray her not for anything else, but to become a faithful servant of Krishna like her.
         Unfortunately in kali yuga even very sacred things are perceived very superficially. Often times religious festivals of all religions are more of an opportunity for some sort of social entertainment than for genuinely cultivating Love of God – which is the purpose of every great religion and the purpose of every spiritual observance. lets not make these auspicious occasions a excuse to gratify our senses, rather use our senses to glorify and serve the Lord of our heart, Lord Shree Krishna,,. Lets not forget the energetic in the pursuit of energy.. THANK YOU...

Sunday, 14 October 2018

WE ARE ALL BORN ACCUSED WITH A DEATH SENTENCE…. (based on Bhagavad Gita 10.34)

The above sentence may seem pessimistic , to most of us, ,…but if we analyze, it is a reality.. and if we go deeper in to this, there is infinite hope for us to strive for. 
According most of the revealed scripture of our contemporary world, it is almost certain that, we are not this body, which is temporary, and prone to exhaustion , but we are spiritual soul, which is eternal and everlasting.
Why we are accused?? Because we are eternal spiritual soul, we belong to the spiritual world,. Which is full of ever increasing happiness, devoid of any trace of sorrow. But because God loves us, he has also given us minute independence, there by we can choose, our own set of action.
Because Krsna is the creator of everything, he is the by default enjoyer of everything, our position is always a servant,.. serving him, . and that is the only way to be happy always.
But due to mis utilization of our independence, some souls became envious of the supreme personality of god head. And there by falling down from the spiritual world to this material world. And thus loosing our eternity.
This material world is akin to a jail or hospital, where we can choose to treat ourselves of our disease of materialism, or being punished for our misdeeds. And this material world is a kind of jail, where the punishment is capital, sooner or later, along with rigorous suffering throughout till we die.
As we see, if some prisoner have a good record inside the jail, they are forgiven of their misdeed to certain extent. Similarly if we follow the moral way of living, like avoiding meat eating, illicit sex, intoxication and gambling, we are actually excused of our misdeeds to some extent..thus although we are relieved of our miseries, still we have to be inside the jail..
Like when the prisoner plead to the president, the president can make him go actually out of the jail.. similarly if we take shelter of the supreme lord, he actually and certainly can liberate us of this bondage… And the absolutely 100 % full proof method for all ages especially kaliyuga, to become submissive and surrendered, and become free from ego, is to chant sincerely,

Thursday, 11 October 2018


       The inherent nature of a chain reaction, is one product leads to the formation of another product. This principle is being applied in industries for mass production.. What
if, the product is a poison, then the whole propaganda becomes a liability..
       Interestingly, such a system of chain reaction is working, inside our body and mind..
Krsna tells in 2nd chapter of bhagavad gita, how a living entity fall helplessly to the whirlpool of material existence.
       It starts with innocent contemplation of sense object, which eventually leads to attachment for the object, from attachment , lust arises, and the lust either remain unfulfilled or even fulfilled up to certain extent, its never satiating, so it causes wrath or anger, which leads the living entity to a state of illusion, memory is bewildered, and subsequently intelligence is lost, and finally the conditioned soul succumb to sinful act and fall down in the graveyard of material existence..
       So, we see this is a self defeating and destructive chain reaction, which needed to be stopped, at the earliest possible step. As steps goes forward, it becomes increasingly difficult to control the outcome.
And the inciting factor is contemplation of sense object, and we have to stop that, or at least try to avoid that. Our surrounding atmosphere is so much surcharged with lust, as u walk outside, starting from bill boards, advertisement, movies, TV,songs , and even general public behavior, one automatically start contemplating, on sense object..
      And as a practicing spiritualist, we have to be very careful, because, this is where the chain reaction starts. It is the nature of mind to hover over sense object, and at least mentally try to derive some pleasure, but by constant practice , we can train our mind, to be on track , as it diverts away.
Certainly the paradoxical and apparent pleasure of material sense gratification, will lead to inevitable downfall, of the living entity, but there are ways to prevent them. By cultivating the principles of krsna consciousness, when we relish the higher taste of krsnas sweet love, then gradually we develope a distaste for material sense enjoyment.
Certainly we have to avoid any exposure to sense object n further contemplating on it, and this determination can be strengthened by, taking the holy name of krsna faithfully and sincerely.. Then we can easily sail over the turbulent waves of the sea of material existence.
hare krishna... thank you..

Sunday, 7 October 2018

BY CHOOSING NOT TO REMAIN BLIND, WE ENLIGHTEN OURSELVES... ( based on Bhagavad Gita chapter 1 verse 1).

         Yesterday I was contemplating on bhagvad gita verse no. 1.. it is the only verse spoken by Dhritarashtra, to highlight his doubt and fear.
         But, one amazing thing happened just before the war started. Vyasa dev, came to dhritarashtra, for the final time, and told him, the futility of the war, and how, still it is under his capacity, to stop the war. But, Dhritarashtra, as we all know, was so much attached to duryadhan, he couldn’t do anything.
Then Vyasadev offered him, his vision, so that he could see the war. But, Dhritarashtra politely rejected the offer.

          Is not it amazing, how many time it happened in history, that a person who is blind from birth, was offered vision, and he declines. Although Dhritarashtra’s point was valid, he told, he couldn’t see his son growing up, how he can see them die. But has he ever tried sort of anything, to not see , his sons dying!!!
         So, Dhritarashtra choose to remain blind. It may sound very fascinating, to all of us.. But, if we think, little deeply, this is the condition of most of us.. In our practice of spirituality, at a neophyte stage, we often get instructions, which we know clearly, that if we follow or apply in our lives, we will get immense spiritual benefit,, but most of the time we choose to remain blind. And like Dhritarashtra, the cause is the same, our attachment to enjoying mentality due to our previous conditioning, which is natural.
       But, the question is “are we ready to change”. We see in the first chapter Arjuna was also very much attached to his conception, and he was in an apparent miserable condition. But, the difference lies, Arjuna was ready to change, later he became submissive and surrendered.
        Dhritarashtra has to loose everything to realize anything, and Arjuna has to loose only the sense of ego “I know”, to become free from all miseries. These two opposite and contrasting examples from mahabharat, is a lesson for us.
And the absolutely 100 % full proof method for all ages especially kaliyuga, to become submissive and surrendered, and become free from ego, is to chant sincerely,

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

THERE IS NO HEALTHY LIMITS FOR UNHEALTHY BAD HABITS. (practical implication of bhagavad gita verse 3.41)

Most of us, who loves drinking alcohol , most of the time put forward the argument, that drinking moderate amount of alcohol, is actually good for health, as few of the study indicates. Lets discuss it..Regarding different studies, scientists have a split opinion about it. And the definition of occasional differs from persons to persons, place and occasion..
The big question lies whether social or occasional drinking actually stays occasional??? The fact remains little drinking doesn’t remain little. The general human tendency is that the things that give us pleasure , we tend to do them more n more. And it’s a proven fact that alcohol is addictive. If you go around the world asking the addictive alcoholics, they will confess, they didn’t start it, thinking they will become addictive, everybody thought they will just socially n occasionally do it..But its very easy, probable and natural to move from occasional drinking to addictive drinking. Especially this happens when people need relief from some stress, or distress, and think that alcohol helps them. So, it might be possible for some people, to drink a little and stay like that, but even in them, when they suffer emotional turbulences, turmoil, its quite likely, they will seek shelter of alcohol, which on long term can make them dysfunctional. Staying occasional is possible, but in most scenario not probable. Its like,we see a quick sand, where 1000s people were trapped already, and we are thinking let me put my foot in, then calfs, knees, and I will come out unhurt. Its mostly improbable, and of course not intelligent.
Talking about the health benefit we get, well , its debatable and its not exclusive to alcohol, at all. The same health benefit we can get by cultivating many healthy good habits, like jogging, swimming, working out and eating healthy foods. Why not get addicted by them. Many think, drinking provides a mean for social bonding, but it’s a cultural idiosyncracy , we have seen how under the influence of alcohol, people become frivolous, doing many nonsensical things, even if you drink a little of it, its actually a slippery slope, it takes very less to slide down and become a addict.
There are lots of vested interest in alcohol industry, they fund for lots of researches. Just like the smoking industry, for 20-30 years, they kept the fact about the harmful effect of smoking covered. Its only when the number of diseased people, the extent of the diseases that were coming up due to it, became undeniable, unconcealable, the data was allowed to come to open. Its quite possible for alcohol also, about the health benefit. But even we feel its true, then also, moderation don’t stay moderate, its extremely unlikely, that in the long run, one is very likely, to get overwhelmed by turmoils, and seek shelter of alcohol, and slide towards addiction. So, its better to not take the risk..
Aptly, though, sri Krishna, advising arjuna, in BG 3.41, to curb all these sense gratifying and self defeating bad haits from the beginning. Don’t let them spread there root inside you, and finish you even materially, and of course spiritually.. thank you/ Hare Krishna....


One who can control his senses by practicing the regulated principles of freedom can obtain the complete mercy of the Lord and thus becom...